Frequently asked questions
Got a question? Check to see if it’s one of the frequently asked questions below.
If you can’t find the answer to your question, please contact us.
Questions about periodontal disease
Not if periodontal disease is diagnosed early. Left untreated, periodontal disease leads to inevitable tooth loss.
Periodontitis can cause disabling symptoms:
- bad breath,
- bleeding from brushing or spontaneous bleeding,
- pain when cold, hot or chewing,
- varying degrees of tooth mobility,
- tooth displacement, which can be unsightly.
In some cases, periodontal treatment will enable you to regain bone height. In other cases, no bone is regained, but the loss of attachment is halted and the retention of your teeth in the jaws is consolidated.
Yes, periodontal treatment will stop mobility and consolidate your teeth in the jaws.
Loosening exposes tooth roots that are normally covered by gum tissue. Exposed roots cause cold sensitivity. Cold sensitivity is one of the symptoms of periodontitis.
Simple scaling is contraindicated in the case of periodontitis for 2 reasons:
- Treatment to reduce inflammation in your mouth is necessary before scaling your teeth. Scaling should not be performed on inflamed gums, as this would encourage the spread of bacteria in the bloodstream.
- Scaling is the removal of tartar above the gum line. To treat periodontitis, it is necessary to remove the tartar that has accumulated below the gum line, causing loss of attachment.
Some people are at greater risk of developing periodontal disease due to a genetic susceptibility. Saliva tests are available to assess this risk. With regular follow-up, your children won’t suffer from loss of attachment.
Questions about treatment
No, thanks to home care, lithotripsy is a painless, minimally invasive and tissue-friendly treatment technique.
The cost of periodontal treatment can vary from €630 to €4,500, which is not reimbursed. However, some mutual insurance companies offer flat-rate reimbursement.
Only two above-gum scaling sessions per year are reimbursed by the CPAM. For diabetics on ALD, €480 for periodontal treatment is reimbursed by the CPAM every 3 years.
The duration of periodontitis treatment is determined following the periodontal assessment. It varies from 2 weeks to 1 year, depending on the degree of attachment loss. Once periodontitis has stabilized, regular follow-up is required.
Scaling is the removal of calculus above the gum line. Scaling does not cure periodontal disease, and is contraindicated in cases of periodontitis.
Lithotripsy removes calculus above and below the gum line. It’s a tissue-friendly, painless procedure that stops teeth from loosening and restores comfort and health. Lithotripsy is the treatment of choice for periodontal disease.
To ensure lasting results from periodontal treatment, regular follow-up is essential. Your dentist will determine the interval between check-ups, depending on the risk of recurrence.
No, periodontal disease causes irreversible gum retraction.
We’ll ask you to apply local care according to a brushing protocol that we’ll teach you. This will stop the infection. Symptoms (bleeding, bad breath, mobility, etc.) will disappear. Your mouth will feel much better.
We use lithotripsy techniques to remove tartar from under your gums. We remove tartar as gently as a surgeon removes bladder stones. To do this, we use sonic devices, magnifying glasses and a light that gives us a clear view of the tartar beneath the gums.
All this is achieved painlessly and without disabling surgery.
Yes, the aim of treatment is to enable you to live a normal life, including the pleasure of biting into apples without question.