
Accueil > Follow-up

Tailor-made care with a dentist
specializing in periodontology in Lyon 3rd district

Follow-up sessions with a periodontal dentist are essential at the end of periodontal treatment to prevent recurrence.

Studio Paro in Lyon 3rd continues to support its patients after they have completed their personalized care program, offering regular follow-up sessions to ensure their long-term oral health.

How often are check-ups scheduled?

The frequency of follow-up sessions will be determined by your periodontologist following your initial treatment. This will depend mainly on the risk of recurrence, and may be adjusted along the way.

A session can be scheduled every 6, 4, 3 or 2 months.


How do I follow up with my periodontist?

Follow-up sessions take place at Studio Paro, a periodontology practice in Lyon 3rd district, at 4 boulevard Eugène Deruelle, under conditions similar to those for treatment sessions.

Your periodontal dentist sees you and examines the condition of your teeth and gums since your last session. He or she will check for plaque and, if necessary, give you advice on brushing or home care to help remove it.

He will then identify any tartar that may have formed since the last session – a common occurrence if you have several loose teeth, as the roots are more exposed – and perform “maintenance” care by removing tartar calculi using lithotripsy.

These sessions are generally shorter than the initial treatment sessions. In follow-up sessions, the aim is to ensure that the benefits of periodontal care are felt for as long as possible.

If tartar builds up quickly enough, your practitioner can suggest more frequent sessions to avoid long sessions – and the risk of relapse.

How can we optimize the effectiveness of these sessions?

When you start periodontal treatment at Studio Paro, a dental practice specializing in periodontics in Lyon, the team will give you plenty of advice on how to carry out local care at home: brushing techniques and products to choose depending on your situation.

A periodontal kit is given to you before the start of the sessions, with everything you need to carry out the treatment at home, and your practitioner will give you a prescription with precise references and a written protocol.

If your pharmacist doesn’t have the products in stock, he or she will have to order them and not sell you any other toothbrushes, interdental brushes or mouthwashes.

After treatment, it’s important to continue local care, especially twice-daily brushing with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. This mixture deflates inflamed gums, preventing bleeding when brushing. It also makes it easier for your periodontologist to remove tartar during check-ups, and prevents periodontitis from returning.

Another tip is to regularly use a plaque remover before brushing your teeth: you pour a few drops of a bright pink solution onto your front teeth and spread them with your tongue; all that’s left to do is to remove the plaque, indicated by the remains of pink deposits on your teeth, with your brush.


Is payment for follow-up sessions included in the price of periodontal treatment?

No, you will be charged extra for follow-up sessions, which take place after your treatment has ended.

As lithotripsy sessions are considered out-of-nomenclature by the Assurance Maladie, only the scaling itself will be partially reimbursed – the reimbursement generally represents around forty euros.

Your periodontist will determine the price of the sessions, taking into account the frequency of consultations. Allow 255 euros per follow-up session.

We adapt to your availability as far as possible when making appointments.

Studio Paro is just a few steps from Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse and the Part-Dieu shopping center.