Causes and risk factors
Periodontal disease is infectious in origin. They attack the tooth’s attachment system and can lead to eventual tooth loss, as well as a host of other health problems. Periodontitis and its symptoms can go undetected for years, which can delay the need for treatment.
During initial consultations at our dental practice in Lyon 3rd, many patients ask us questions about periodontitis and its causes. Why does the disease appear? What are the risk factors?
Studio Paro answers your questions and explains everything you need to know about the subject.
Why does periodontitis appear?
It’s a question all patients ask themselves – with varying degrees of fear and guilt. Indeed, a number of prejudices surround dental disease, and many people still believe that it is mainly due to a poor lifestyle.
In fact, there can be many causes of periodontitis. That’s why we ask you to answer questions about your medical history when you book an appointment at our Lyon periodontology practice: we start by listing all the factors that can play a part in the onset or progression of the disease.
What are the different risk factors
for periodontal disease?
A member of your family (parent, grandparent) suffers from periodontal disease. There is a specific genetic marker that can be identified by testing to assess whether there is a risk of hereditary periodontitis.
You suffer from a chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease or depression. These conditions can increase the risk of periodontal disease through co-morbidity. Taking certain medications can also reduce saliva secretion and flow, strengthening the bacteria responsible for the disease.
you’ve already had ulcero-necrotic gingivitis. This inflammation is very painful and constitutes a periodontal emergency associated with a deterioration in general health.
You smoke.
pregnancy is a risk factor, as gingival changes can occur during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
As you can see, there are many reasons why pathology can develop.
I'm a high-risk individual. Am I bound to develop periodontitis?
Being at risk of developing periodontitis doesn’t necessarily mean that the disease will appear sooner or later.
It’s all very well to have a favorable terrain with several risk factors, but never develop the disease. Prevention plays an important role if you have periodontitis and children. Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist or periodontist about genetic testing, so you can tailor your follow-up. Periodontal treatment eliminates periodontal pockets and infection, and strengthens the anchorage of your teeth! With the right care, you can keep your teeth for life.
The office is open from Monday to Friday.
Studio Paro is located in the heart of Lyon’s Part-Dieu district, easily accessible by public transport (metro, bus, streetcar).