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Periodontology rates:
Studio Paro's prices in Lyon explained

Your teeth are loosening and you’re wondering about the periodontology fees charged by dentists in Lyon?

Studio Paro, a specialist dental practice in the heart of the Part-Dieu district, presents you with a transparent price list and explains in detail the follow-up treatment provided.

Prices of our periodontics treatments in Lyon 3rd district

The cost of periodontal treatment varies according to the number of lithotripsy sessions required to clean out all the periodontal pockets and remove deep subgingival calculus.

A lithotripsy session costs between €350 and €450. Depending on the severity of the periodontitis, we will suggest between 2 and 15 sessions.

The number of sessions is determined by your periodontal dentist following a complete periodontal check-up to determine the diagnosis and extent of bone loss.

You will receive a customized quotation for the entire treatment, taking into account the proposed number of sessions.

Balance sheet

The oral check-up itself costs €285. Health insurance reimburses the cost of 18 status radiographs at €111. The periodontal check-up includes an interview with the patient, an oral analysis, photographs of the patient’s teeth and gums, 18 x-ray images, a microscopic analysis of the patient’s dental plaque, and a demonstration of local treatments to be implemented at home.

This assessment lasts 1h30. Price: €285

Presentation of the treatment project

At the end of the check-up, the periodontist makes a diagnosis. He determines the type of periodontitis from which the patient suffers, as well as its extent, severity and prognosis. He can determine the number of sessions of simple lithotripsy and/or surgical lithotripsy required to complete the treatment.

Each lithotripsy session costs between €350 and €450 and can be reimbursed up to 100% by mutual insurance companies, depending on the package.

2 to 15 sessions depending on diagnosis


Once the periodontal treatment has been completed, the patient is invited to engage in follow-up treatment to maintain the good results achieved and avoid recurrence.

These follow-up sessions help keep your periodontium healthy and prevent recurrences. The cost of these sessions is €255, with Social Security reimbursing €43.38.

These sessions are usually performed twice a year, depending on the amount of tartar build-up.

During these follow-up sessions, we perform targeted periodontal pocket probing, disinfect your gums and remove tartaric calculus above and below the gum line. We also polish all your teeth to remove any stains. We can take x-rays and review brushing techniques if necessary.

255 per session, 30 to 40 minutes


There are several reasons why periodontal treatment may seem expensive. First of all, they are considered out-of-nomenclature and therefore not reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie.

All stages of treatment (from assessment to follow-up) require considerable resources, both human and technical.

The treatment itself consists of lithotripsy sessions, a gentle, painless sonic method for removing tartar from beneath the gums. Contrary to what you might think, this is not scaling.

Scaling removes tartar from above the gums. Your dentist performs it regularly, and sessions last between 10 and 20 minutes maximum. Your periodontist works with magnifying glasses (x 4.5), uses a special light to visualize the tartar beneath the gums, and finally removes the tartar very gently with a sonic instrument whose vibrations are painless, rather than ultrasonic and aggressive. This technique requires time and the help of qualified dental assistants.

New X-rays are also taken before the end of treatment to check that no tartar remains in the pockets.

Finally, at Studio Paro, we never leave our patients in the lurch at the end of treatment! Unlike practices that offer one-off treatment (and therefore follow-up), we advocate continuity of follow-up, which is essential for maintaining good oral health in the case of periodontitis.

While we realize that for many patients, periodontal treatment represents a significant cost, it is ultimately an investment in your health, and we are here to support you and ensure that you keep your teeth for life. Periodontal treatment will always be less expensive than 1 implant-supported crown.

Social Security reimburses €480 for periodontal care every 4 years for diabetic patients with ALD (Affection Longue Durée).

For other patients, lithotripsy sessions are not reimbursed, but part of the assessment (around 111 euros) and follow-up is. Social Security pays €43.38 for each follow-up session.

Note also that some mutual insurance companies offer a flat-rate reimbursement of up to 100% per year. Check with your mutuelle to see if this applies to you.

Payment for periodontal treatments that are not reimbursed by Social Security (excluding follow-up sessions and check-ups) will be subject to a personalized estimate.

A personalized schedule may be drawn up in agreement with the practice’s care coordinator.

Would you like to make an appointment at Studio Paro?

Do you have a question? We’re here to help you, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6.15pm.