Periodontal dentist

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Le Studio Paro,
periodontology dental practice in Lyon

Studio Paro, founded in 2021 by the team of dentists at the head of Studio Dentaire in Lyon 3rd, meets a steadily growing need for periodontal dentists in Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region. Working in close collaboration with dentists in the Rhône-Alpes region, we provide care and follow-up for periodontal diseases.

Today, Studio Paro brings together a team of experienced practitioners who are entirely dedicated to the health and well-being of their patients. Make an appointment today with your periodontologist in Lyon and keep smiling for a long time to come!

Expert, passionate periodontists

Dr. Hervé Touati, co-founder of Studio Paro, acquired his knowledge from Dr. Jacques Charon, an internationally renowned dentist and periodontologist. Since 1999, Dr Touati has been a talented practitioner in this field, and regularly organizes masterclasses for colleagues from all over France.

Dr Romane Touati and Dr Gokhan Yilmaz joined him to found Le Studio Paro.

They have published research articles and taught at Lyon University.

The Studio Paro team – periodontists, dental assistants, care coordinator and secretary – is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. We take care of you, reassure you, answer your questions and give you the support you need throughout your periodontal treatment.

Our aim is to provide optimum patient care by periodontics specialists in Lyon, while relieving the pressure on multidisciplinary practices overwhelmed by requests for treatment.


What does periodontal care involve?

Periodontium refers to the structure that supports the teeth (alveolar bone, ligament, cementum and gingiva). These tissues can be subject to inflammation, such as gingivitis, or even more serious pathologies such as periodontitis.

This condition is caused by virulent bacteria present in dental plaque. Inflammation of the gums creates a pocket between the tooth and the gum. Plaque, or biofilm, accumulates in this pocket, as it is no longer accessible to toothbrush bristles.

This plaque stagnates in the pocket, mineralizes and turns into tartar. This leads to long-term tooth loosening…

Your periodontist in Lyon 3 offers treatment based on gentle techniques and genuine collaboration between patient and carers.

In a pleasant, friendly atmosphere, we carry out a complete oral assessment, then propose a customized treatment plan. This consists of disinfecting your periodontium with local treatments performed by the patient according to a rigorous brushing protocol.

This is followed by lithotripsy sessions to remove tartar above and below the gum line. We also provide long-term monitoring of your periodontium, to prevent any relapse.

How much does periodontal treatment cost?

At present, periodontal treatment is not covered by Social Security. However, your mutual insurance company may offer a package deal for this type of treatment. In all cases, Studio Paro will provide you with a precise estimate before the treatment begins. Depending on the number of sessions required, the price of a periodontal treatment varies between 630 and 4500 euros.

To ensure that as many people as possible have access to periodontal care, our Lyon periodontology practice can offer you an adapted payment schedule.

Would you like to make an appointment at Studio Paro?

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