Sick gums

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Sick gums:
Studio Paro accompanies you in Lyon 3rd district

Sick gums are not a problem to be taken lightly, and require appropriate care and follow-up by a periodontal dentist. Unfortunately, because symptoms can be discreet, many patients remain unaware of their condition until the pathology and its effects worsen.

Studio Paro in Lyon 3rd offers tailor-made care for all patients wishing to regain good gum health.

Here we present the various gum diseasestheir causes and how they can affect the health of those affected.

What are the different types of gum disease?

There are four types of gum disease, which are described below.


This pathology is the most benign because it is reversible and affects only part of the periodontium (the attachment system of the tooth): the gums.

It’s an inflammation that causes redness, swelling, irritation and bleeding of the gums. Its effects are reversible if treated in time with antiseptics. In all cases, it’s important to make an appointment with a specialist dentist for a precise diagnosis and tailored follow-up as soon as symptoms are noticed.

Indeed, untreated gingivitis can develop into periodontal disease.

Ulcero-necrotic gingivitis

Ulcero-necrotic gingivitis, on the other hand, is a medical emergency when it occurs, often suddenly.

Fortunately very rare, it very often affects teenagers or young adults whose immune systems have been weakened by hormones, lifestyle or illness.

Very painful, it is characterized by gum necrosis and a very unpleasant taste in the mouth. In some cases (depending on the patient’s immune defences), lymph nodes and fever may be present.


Periodontitis is a disease of the periodontium, i.e. it affects the support system that holds teeth in place in the jaw: the gums, alveolar bone, ligament and cementum.

Infectious in origin, periodontal disease develops when aggressive bacteria accumulate beneath the gums, forming periodontal pockets. The underlying causes are often multiple (heredity, stress, medication, disease…).

Discreet at first, if left untreated, periodontitis can lead to thinning of the gums, loosening of the teeth, mobility within the jaw and even tooth loss after many years. In terms of general health, periodontitis can cause or aggravate conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.

Although it is not possible to regain the bone that has been lost to disease, periodontal treatment can stop the loss of attachment and eliminate symptoms such as tooth mobility, discomfort due to irritation and bad breath. Consultation is therefore essential.


Peri-implantitis is periodontitis, but it affects the periodontium at the level of an implant, not a natural tooth. Bacterial overgrowth leads to bone loss, which can result in the loss of the implant.

Before placing an implant, it is necessary to ensure the absence of periodontal disease, and regular follow-up is necessary after implant placement to ensure the health of the periodontium around the implant.


Caring for gum disease: Our mission

Located in the heart of Lyon’s Part-Dieu district, Studio Paro provides long-term support for patients with dental problems.

For appropriate gingival and periodontal care, we carry out a full oral check-up during the first two consultation sessions at our practice, in order to make a precise diagnosis and assess bone loss in the case of periodontitis.

A customized treatment program of several sessions, followed by follow-up sessions, will then be proposed to you. In the case of disease affecting the periodontium, a periodontal treatment with lithotripsy sessions to thoroughly clean up periodontal pockets will be scheduled.

For treatments not reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie, we will provide you with a customized estimate. A personalized payment schedule can be drawn up to facilitate your access to care. We are at your disposal for any further information you may require.