Loosening tooth

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Tooth loosening:
What causes it and what can be done about it?

A loosening tooth is a sign of advanced periodontitis: the gums recede and gradually expose the root, leading to instability and, ultimately, tooth loss. It is estimated that this disease affects almost half of all adults in some countries.

Studio Paro, a periodontology practice in Lyon 3rd district, offers comprehensive care for your periodontal health and long-term support.

The office is located in the heart of the Part-Dieu district, just a few minutes’ walk from the train station and shopping center.

The role of the periodontium

The loosening of the teeth is directly linked to infection of the periodontium. This term refers to the entire structure that supports the tooth, i.e. :

Causes of tooth loosening

When your oral health is good, your immune system keeps the number of bacteria naturally present in plaque at an acceptable level.

But in certain circumstances (illness, medical treatment, smoking, favorable genetic make-up…), these micro-organisms begin to proliferate and attack the periodontium, causing damage that can even lead to tooth loss. This is known as periodontitis or periodontal disease.

Symptoms of periodontitis include inflamed gums, bleeding when brushing, diffuse pain, halitosis (bad breath), food getting stuck between the teeth, loosening of the teeth…

Our periodontics treatments

To curb the development of periodontitis, Studio Paro in Lyon 3rd employs dental lithotripsy, a method originally used to remove kidney stones. Painless and respectful of oral tissues, this non-invasive technique can replace surgery in the majority of cases.

Studio Paro’s periodontists offer you an initial appointment during which a periodontal assessment is carried out. Following this, your practitioner will draw up a treatment plan based on the degree of severity of the disease.

He will also give you advice and suitable products so that you can carry out local treatments at home, in parallel with the treatment. Once the treatment is complete, you return to the practice for regular follow-up consultations.

Highlights of Studio Paro in Lyon

As a specialist dental practice, Studio Paro has many advantages in its field, guaranteeing you the best possible care:

See you soon at Studio Paro!