Periodontal check-up fee

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Periodontal check-up fees and coverage

A periodontal check-up is the essential first step in setting up a treatment protocol. It enables your dentist to assess your oral health and diagnose any periodontitis. That’s why this examination is the first step in your care when you come to Studio Paro. How much does a periodontal check-up cost? Is it reimbursed by Social Security or supplementary health insurance? Studio Paro has the answers.

How much does a periodontal check-up cost?

At Studio Paro, a periodontal check-up costs 285 euros. During the appointment, which lasts around an hour and a half, your dentist begins by asking you about your oral and general health. He or she will carry out a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth and gums. He also takes photographs and X-rays to assess the level of bone loss, and takes a plaque sample which he examines under a microscope. Finally, the session ends with a demonstration of the treatments you’ll be implementing at home. These treatments account for 80% of the success of your periodontal treatment, as they are the key to eliminating the bacteria responsible for periodontitis.

In the case of established periodontitis, the assessment is generally followed by a number of lithotripsy sessions, a painless and effective solution for cleaning up periodontal pockets. This treatment is inspired by kidney stone removal techniques and requires no anaesthetic. It involves the use of a tip that vibrates at the frequency of sound, destroying subgingival tartar. Each lithotripsy session costs between 350 and 450 euros, and the treatment is followed by six-monthly check-ups, each billed at 255 euros. The total cost of periodontal treatment ranges from 700 to 6,000 euros.

Is the periodontal check-up covered by Social Security?

Although periodontal care is not reimbursed, Social Security reimburses a periodontal check-up at a cost of 111 euros. Diabetic patients on ALD benefit from a lump-sum payment of 480 euros, payable every four years and covering the full cost of periodontal care.

Some mutual insurance companies cover up to 100% of the cost of periodontal treatment, depending on the level of coverage you choose. Our care coordinator can give you more information.

Is it possible to pay for periodontitis treatment in instalments?

Aware of the cost of periodontal check-ups and lithotripsy sessions, Studio Paro offers its patients easy payment terms. A quotation is issued for all treatment protocols, and a payment schedule is available. Once again, we invite you to contact our secretary-coordinator.


Why have a dental and periodontal check-up at Studio Paro?

Periodontal disease often develops quietly, without symptoms. Then they can have serious consequences for the oral and general health of affected patients. Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria that enter the general bloodstream and can attach themselves to heart valves, aggravating heart disease in people with heart murmurs, for example. They can also lead to premature childbirth, or prevent proper glycemic control in diabetics.

Studio Paro, specializing in periodontology, was created by Dr Touati in 2021 to relieve local dentists who were overwhelmed by requests for periodontal care. The practice’s caring, educational team involves every patient in the treatment and answers any questions. We draw up each periodontal treatment plan on a personalized basis, listening to your concerns and any budgetary or other constraints you may have. Book an appointment at Studio Paro in Lyon 3, in the Part-Dieu district, near the Halles Paul Bocuse and the shopping center.

Do you have any questions about care?

We are at your service from Monday to Friday.