Periodontal pockets:
a symptom to be taken seriously
Caused by an affection of the periodontium – the structure that supports the teeth – periodontal pockets can remain invisible and painless for many years. But they are not harmless!
Studio Paro, a specialist in the treatment of gum and periodontal disease, explains why and how to treat these conditions.
What is it and what are the risks of periodontal disease?
Periodontal pockets are spaces that form between the tooth and the periodontium. They are caused by a proliferation of bacteria under the gums. These micro-organisms settle in when tartar and plaque accumulate. Gradually, tartar “calculi” form under the gums.
If left untreated, the periodontium is progressively destroyed. This term refers to the entire tooth-supporting structure: gingiva, jawbone, ligament and cementum.
Inflammation linked to the bacteria present in periodontal pockets gradually leads to the onset of periodontal disease. The progression of periodontal disease is slow, often lasting many years, and goes unnoticed for a long time before symptoms become more visible. Signs that should prompt you to consult a periodontologist include :
- recurrent inflammation and/or bleeding of the gums ;
- hypersensitivity to cold or heat;
- halitosis (bad breath);
- persistent pain ;
- a gap between the tooth and the gum;
- teeth that move or fall out ;
- the appearance of abscesses…
Periodontal pocket treatment at Studio Paro
Until recently, the only treatments for periodontitis were surgical or, at the very least, required subgingival scaling under anaesthetic. At Studio Paro, we offer a less invasive alternative.
With appropriate local treatments and lithotripsy sessions, our team can gentlyclean up periodontal pockets. Treatment consists of :
- an initial periodontal check-up at our periodontics practice in Lyon;
- a series of simple steps you can take at home, following a precise protocol that we explain in detail (brushing with baking soda, using brushes, mouthwash…);
- a series of in-office lithotripsy sessions;
- follow-up consultations after the end of treatment.
What is lithotripsy?
This painless technique, which respects the integrity of the periodontium, involves using an insert that vibrates at the frequency of sound to break up tartaric calculi beneath the gums. Lithotripsy requires no anaesthetic and is gentle on the tissues, so it can be used for all types of periodontitis.
In partnership with dentists and orthodontists in the Lyon region, Studio Paro helps patients regain optimal oral health. Don’t wait for your teeth to fall out: as soon as the first symptoms appear, book an appointment at the office and benefit from state-of-the-art human and medical care.
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