Gum disease

Accueil > Gum disease

Gum disease,
an insidious problem to be taken seriously

In industrialized countries, it’s estimated that over 80% of the adult population will experience gum disease. This may be benign, such as gingivitis, or more serious, such as periodontitis or peri-implantitis.

Studio Paro, a periodontology practice in Lyon 3rd district, welcomes you to Part-Dieu for a precise diagnosis, effective treatment and long-term follow-up of your periodontal disease. Book an appointment today.

What are the different types of gum disease?

There are three main periodontal diseases:

What causes periodontal disease?

Contrary to popular belief, poor oral hygiene is not the only cause. Sick gums are the result of many factors, such as :

What are the consequences of gum infection?

Periodontal disease can affect not only your oral health, but your whole body.

In the mouth, latent infection can degenerate into chronic periodontitis, leading to shifting and loosening of the teeth, not to mention their aesthetic appearance.

As gum disease is bacterial in origin, it can also affect the rest of the body. For example, untreated peri-implantitis or periodontitis can cause or aggravate cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as well as leading to premature delivery. Finally, some studies point to a link between periodontal bacteria and Alzheimer’s disease.


How can periodontal disease be treated?

Studio Paro, located between Les Halles Paul Bocuse and the Lyon-Part-Dieu train station, boasts a team entirely dedicated to periodontal care. Our team offers you innovative and comprehensive treatment.

Our treatments include a preliminary periodontal assessment, followed by lithotripsy sessions – the gentle, painless removal of subgingival calculus – and regular maintenance consultations. Please contact us to find out more.

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