How to combat bad breath?

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How to combat bad breath?
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How to combat bad breath? Although this problem is widespread, even commonplace – almost half the population suffers from it occasionally – it is still taboo, so few patients dare consult a dentist to talk about it.

However, there are various identifiable causes of halitosis and solutions. Bad breath is not inevitable!

Studio Paro in Lyon 3ème gives you the advice you need!

What causes bad breath?

There are many causes of halitosis or bad breath, but in most cases (apart from 10-15% when a systemic disease is involved) and contrary to firmly held belief, this problem does not stem from a malfunction of the intestine or stomach.

In most cases,bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth and teeth, which proliferate and release malodorous sulfur compounds. Once the bacteria have been eliminated, the problem disappears.

These bacteria can proliferate for various reasons:

  • the mouth is a largely enclosed and humid environment, ideal for this purpose
  • tooth decay, which easily harbours food residues
  • the presence of gingivitis or periodontitis: the periodontal pockets that form between teeth and gums are also a breeding ground for bacteria, which can multiply all the more easily as tartar accumulates under the gums. Bad breath is one of the main symptoms of these conditions.

What’s more, the tongue often retains bacteria, so much so that an estimated 60% are found on it. For this reason, cleaning the tongue (and not just brushing the teeth) is important.

To better understand how bacteria can cause unpleasant odors, the analogy of food left out of the fridge is useful. If you leave fruit and vegetables or fresh food out of the fridge, it will eventually rot and give off unpleasant odours, simply because bacteria feed on the food’s proteins, which they break down into volatile, smelly sulphur compounds.

Within the oral environment, the same thing happens if food residues remain, whether under the gums, between two teeth or in a cavity.


What are the solutions for fresh breath?

Many people mistakenly believe that mouth sprays and mouthwashes alone are enough to restore fresh breath, but in reality, these products only work for a few hours if the underlying problem (the presence of bacteria) is left untreated.

For this reason, even if the problem seems benign at first sight, it’s important to consult your dentist, especially if the situation recurs on a regular basis. He’ll be able to find the cause and suggest the right treatment to cure your halitosis. In the case of periodontitis, local treatments based on hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate, as well as lithotripsy sessions to clean up periodontal pockets and eliminate bacteria, will be suggested.

Read also: Periodontitis: foods to avoid